Can Stretch Marks Go Away Naturally? 10 Best Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

by Beatrice W, RD
Published: Last Updated on

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It would be wonderful if we all had a spotless body with no marks and scars – but stretch marks have made sure that few of us enjoy that luxury. Almost every person has a stretch mark somewhere in their body, and although they are not a pretty sight, they are not harmful. They may be harmless, but the quest for the spotless body doesn’t have to stop. That’s why most moms are always on the lookout for the best home remedies for stretch marks to fade away.

Stretch marks can appear on any part of your body, but they are mostly seen on the body parts that are more fatty than bonny. You’ll most likely get stretch marks on your arms, thighs, buttocks, and stomach. The location of stretch marks varies from person to person. Although women tend to get stretch marks more than men, they don’t discriminate on gender or age.

Since stretch marks can keep you from achieving the desired body image, many people use expensive products that promise to fade them away quickly. Some of these products may be laden with harmful chemicals and may not deliver as advertised. Can stretch marks go away naturally? This article shares the 10 best home remedies for stretch marks that you can try today.

What are The Causes of Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are streaks on the skin that are a different pigment than the rest of the body. Stretch marks, also called striae, appear due to a sudden change in body weight that causes your skin to expand or contract rapidly.

In the case of pregnancy or sudden weight gain, the skin’s dermal layer is suddenly stretched. The skin is very elastic, with interconnected fibers that allow the skin to stretch as the body expands. When the stretching is sudden, the skin overstretches, and the fibers break, causing stretch marks.

home remedies for stretch marks
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The appearance of the stretch marks depends on your skin pigmentation. They mostly appear as a pink or purple streak since the blood vessels under the skin show when the fibers break. They may change later to a brighter color when the blood vessels return to normal. They also appear to be a little shinier than the rest of the skin.

If you have recently lost weight or been pregnant, you’re most likely to notice several annoying streaks of stretch marks. Get your confidence back by trying these homemade remedies for stretch marks.

Can You Prevent Stretch Marks?

Although there isn’t much you can do to keep stretch marks at bay; it doesn’t hurt to be a little vigilant. Stretchmarks appear without your knowledge, and since they are not painful or uncomfortable, you may not even notice you gave them until they are already formed and established.

Since stretch marks result from sudden weight gain, if it depends on you, try as much as possible to watch your weight. Eating healthy and exercising is a perfect way to keep the scales balanced.

If you’re pregnant or trying to conceive, you can use oils and other natural products that are known to help fade stretch marks right from the beginning of your pregnancy. Keeping your skin moisturized might also be a good boost in the fight against stretch marks.

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10 Best Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

It’s no fun that stretch marks appear on the body parts that you’d love to show off. The fun bit, though, is that you can use what you readily have in your house to get rid of them. Gather these easy-to-find products that you have probably been using for other uses and see which one works for you.

Although these products are natural, if you haven’t used any of them before, it would be wise to do a patch test before applying them to your whole body. Apply a drop or just a mint-sized portion at the back of your arm and give it a few minutes to an hour. If there’s no rash or reaction, you can proceed to use the items in the places affected by stretch marks.

If you’re a pregnant or lactating mom, talk to your doctor and get clearance before starting the regimen. Despite being harmless, some of the ingredients may be harmful to your baby.

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#1 Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties, making it a good product to fade stretch marks. It helps heal the over-stretched skin and moisturizes it, thus preventing further stretching and damage.

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks
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To use a live aloe vera plant, break off a succulent leaf and cut it across. Rub the gooey gel on the stretch marks and leave it on for a few hours. The longer it stays on, the longer you will enjoy its healing properties. You can wash it off after two or three hours. There’s no harm if it stays on the whole day.

#2 Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is amazing when it comes to healing skin bruises. Coconut is an anti-inflammatory oil that also helps in the production of collagen. Collagen is a major skin component that keeps it from drying out, breaking, discoloring, and sagging.

These properties of coconut oil make it perfect as a home remedy for stretch marks. Apply a generous amount of coconut oil on your skin after a shower. Keep it on for the whole day for better results.

If you don’t like the smell of raw coconut oil, use cold-pressed virgin coconut oil with a pleasant smell. Coconut is generally safe to use, but ensure that you’re not allergic to coconut before applying.

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#3 Cocoa Butter and Argan Oil

Cocoa butter is the ultimate stretchmark buster – it has been known to fade stretch marks very well. Cocoa butter penetrates the skin and keeps it moisturized for longer. Argan oil is a liquid gold that is excellent on the skin, whether you’re using it to face stretch marks or just looking for the elusive skin glow.

Cocoa butter tends to be very hard in consistency and might be difficult to use on its own. Whip it together with argan oil and apply it to the whole body, taking note of the areas with stretch marks.

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#4 Egg Whites

Eggs are a perfect source of protein, and if you didn’t know, an excellent home remedy for stretch marks. The amino acids present in egg whites are a superb remedy for damaged skin, such as witnessed in the appearance of stretch marks. The egg whites heal the skin by helping it regenerate after over-stretching.

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks
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To use this stretchmarks remedy, break one egg and separate the egg yolk from the egg white. Whisk the white until it’s frothy. Apply the foam to the affected areas and let it stay on until it dries. Wash it off with cold water and apply some oil such as coconut or argan oil for moisture and to continue the healing process.

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#5 Vitamin A

Have you ever wondered why almost every beauty product that promises youthful and bright skin contains Vitamin A? Well, it’s because Vitamin A contains retinol, which is a component that helps with skin rejuvenation and regeneration. Vitamin A also helps decrease oil production, which helps reduce acne, pimples, and whiteheads.

Therefore, it’s not a wonder that it found itself on the list of homemade remedies for stretch marks. Whether it’s ingested or applied, retinoid helps in the regeneration of cells in the body. Eat foods rich in vitamin A to help heal the skin stretchmarks both from outside and inside.

Break open a capsule of vitamin A and apply the contents on the stretch marks. Apply at bedtime and to allow the skin to regenerate as you sleep. For best results, substitute your night cream with Vitamin A oil and enjoy smooth skin as you see your stretch marks fade away.

#6 Castor Oil

Castor oil is good for your hair as well as for the stretch marks that are giving you sleepless nights. Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid that helps with skin reconstruction. Castor oil is also a heavy oil that prevents the skin from losing moisture, thus preventing further stretching and damage and facilitating healing scars.

Use castor oil on its own by warming it up in a jar of warm water and then applying it to the affected area. You can also mix castor oil with lighter oils such as almond, argan, or coconut oil. For best results, rub the oil on your stretch marks after a shower and keep it on overnight.

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#7 Sugar

Sugar is a perfect ingredient for microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion is a medical skincare procedure that involves physical exfoliating. Microdermabrasion helps remove the dead cells from the skin from the surface, giving the skin a chance to redevelop.  

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks
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Exfoliating improves the looks and feels of the skin, making the stretchmarks less prominent. With time, using sugar for microdermabrasion helps the stretch marks fade away as new skin is made.

Mix sugar with an oil such as coconut oil, argan oil, almond oil, and scrub the affected areas with the sugar paste. Wash off and apply an oil of your choice, especially one that will keep the skin healing.

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#8 Apricot

Apricots are very high in antioxidants and also contain nutrients that are great for renewing the skin. Apricot masks are common for beauty, especially in facial scrubs and masks. This makes them a very good option as a home remedy for stretch marks. To use apricots for stretchmarks, cut a few apricots, and deseed them. Crush them to the pulp and add some oil to the pulp.

Apply the paste to the affected areas and leave it for several minutes to one hour. Wash it with warm water and apply an oil of your choice. Do this consistently for at least a month and observe the results.

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#9 Olive Oil

The wonders and magic of oil do not end in your kitchen. This oil is laden with antioxidants that are exceptionally good for your health. Most people use it as a healthy alternative to vegetable fat or cooking oil. Olive oil also contains vitamin E, which is beneficial for skin renewal and cell regeneration.

It’s also wonderful for stretchmarks as its healing properties work from not only the inside of your body but also the surface. Apply olive oil on the stretch marks and leave it on. Make this a long-term beauty regimen for lasting results.

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#10 Lemon

Lemon contains antioxidants and vitamin C, which helps brighten the skin and clear un-even skin tones. Stretch marks tend to give the skin an uneven tone that worsens with time. Lemon is an astringent that helps close the skin pores and tighten the skin, thus making the stretch marks less visible.

To use plain lemon juice pour a few spoons of the juice into a shallow container and dab in with a cotton ball. Place the cotton on the stretch marks and leave it on for several minutes. The lemon is acidic and thus brightens the skin, bleaching the stretchmarks off.

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks
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The lemon can also be mixed with other ingredients to make perfect home remedies for stretch marks. Mix a few lemon juice spoons with a less acidic and soothing item such as a cucumber or aloe vera gel. Apply to the affected area, leave it on for several minutes, and then wash it off with water.

Lemon can also be mixed with baking soda to make a thick exfoliating paste. Baking soda is naturally an exfoliant, and it helps with the removal of dead skin, which makes the stretch marks fade away.

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  • What is the fastest home remedy for stretch marks?

Some of the fastest home remedies for stretch marks include lemon, sugar scrub, coconut oil, argan oil, aloe vera, and castor oil.

  • Can lemon remove stretch marks?

Lemon juice is one of the best home remedies for stretch marks which helps to lighten the marks. Soak lemon juice in a cotton ball apply on your skin and let it stay on your skin for about 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can mix lemon juice and baking soda then rub on the skin to help fade stretch marks.

  • Can salt remove stretch marks?

Salt is one of the best home remedies for stretch marks. It can help fade stretch marks because when you rub it on the skin it removes the dry and dead skin. use salt scrubs regularly to see results.

  • Which oil removes stretch marks fast?

Some of the best oils that remove stretch marks include argan, coconut, caster, and olive oils. You can also try lavender, neroli, almond, and pomegranate oil.

  • How does sugar remove stretch marks?

Sugar removes stretch marks because it exfoliates the skin and removes dead cells. Mix sugar with lemon juice or coconut oil, rub the mixture on the affected area, and let it stay for about 10 minutes then wash off.

Final Thoughts

So, can stretch marks go away naturally? Stretch marks do not form overnight, do not expect them to fade away in a couple of days or weeks. These home remedies for stretch marks work but you need to be consistent to see the results.

Make taking good care of your skin a priority at all times. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods that will help your body heal from the inside. Adopt a healthy skin regimen and stick to it. The stretch marks fade slowly; you may not see the difference if you’re looking for a quick fix.

Ensure that you take photos at the beginning of your regimen and keep comparing them with more recent photos as you go along. Have you tried any home remedies for stretch marks? Which one worked for you? Do share your thoughts in the comments below.

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