What are The Benefits of Taking Folic Acid in Pregnancy? (8 Benefits You Should Know)

by Beatrice W, RD
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Folic acid in pregnancy

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It takes a lot of “ingredients” to make a baby; folic acid is one of the most critical elements on that list. Intake of folic acid in pregnancy could be the difference between a healthy baby and a baby with significant birth defects.

The health benefits of folate are numerous. Your growing baby needs all the nutrients that the world has to offer, and thankfully, most are easy to access. Folic acid is among the main fuel in the baby-making machine.

A woman’s body takes quite the beating during pregnancy. It’s vital that you keep yourself and your tiny guest healthy. If you have not been keen on it, your diet in the few weeks before conception and during the pregnancy has to radically change to include folate-rich meals.

A good balance of vitamins, proteins, and the right amount of carbohydrates is essential for you to maintain a healthy body throughout the pregnancy. All these and other trace elements are significant, but the greatest of them is folic acid. This article shares 8 reasons why you should take folic acid in pregnancy.

What Is Folic Acid?

Folic acid is the synthetic form of Vitamin B9 component called folate. Folic acid is water-soluble and does not get stored in our bodies, unlike fats and proteins. Because of that, you have to take it regularly to keep the levels at the recommended amounts.

If you’re pregnant are have been trying to, you must have heard the term ‘folic acid’ severally. So, what is folic acid good for?

Prenatal Nutrition Library

8 Benefits Of Folic Acid In Pregnancy

1.      Prevents Birth Defects

Using folic acid for pregnancy prevents birth defects caused by the under-development of the brain. Although some genetic birth defects cannot be avoided, the joy and desire of every mother are to give birth to a healthy baby.

Folic acid plays a significant role in facilitating the developing baby’s neural tube to mature into the brain. If the brain’s development is impaired, it results in birth defects such as anencephaly or hydrocephalus.  

Hydrocephalus is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by fluid build-up in the brain cavities. Anencephaly is characterized by an immature brain and an incomplete cranium. Both of these conditions lead to physical and mental disabilities.

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2.      It Helps In the Prevention of Spinal Disorders

Folic acid also helps in the maturing of the neural tube into the fully formed and functional spinal cord. If the spinal cord does not form properly, it leads to a birth defect known as spina bifida.

Spina bifida is a condition in which the spinal cord is left exposed due to the failure of the vertebrae to close fully. A child with spina bifida has a hole in their spine.

Spina bifida may be so severe that the meninges and the spinal cord push through this hole, causing it to form a bulge on the baby’s back.  This condition is called Myelomeningocele.

A baby that has spina bifida will be physically challenged and may have to be in a wheelchair for the rest of their lives.

Related article: What Foods Should a Pregnant Woman Eat Daily? 15 Best Foods For Pregnancy

3.      It Helps With the Development Of Red Blood Cells

Folic acid is useful in the making of red blood cells in the human body.  Folic acid collaborates with vitamin B-12 to make red blood cells and to help iron function properly in the body. This keeps the mother from developing pregnancy anemia.

The blood volume of a pregnant mother increases, thus increasing the need for more red blood cells and iron to make more blood. More blood ensures that the baby gets enough food and oxygen.

Folic acid deficiency in pregnancy inhibits the production of red blood cells, thus compromising the oxygen supply to the baby in the womb. If there aren’t enough red blood cells, the oxygen supply to the baby is compromised.

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4.      It Helps In New Cells Formation

Being a B vitamin, folic acid is responsible for the formation of new cells in the body. Folic acid aids in the manufacture, breaking down, and use of protein.

Pregnancy is a period of rapid cell multiplication as the baby gets all their organs and tissues put together. The baby’s hair, skin, nails, and other organs develop rapidly until the baby is born.

Proper formation of new cells ensures that the baby has all their organs well-formed. This further dims the possibility of any birth defect.

5.      Folic Acid Reduces The Chances Of Miscarriage

 Taking folic acid before conception and in the first weeks of pregnancy helps reduce your chances of miscarriage. Some miscarriages are caused by birth defects that prevent the baby from growing after some weeks.

Folic acid supports the proper growth of the baby, preventing the body from expelling it in the early weeks of gestation. Folic acid deficiency is to blame for numerous miscarriages.  

6.      Lowers the Chances Of Autism

Autism spectrum disorder is a condition that affects the nervous system. It mars the individual’s communication and interrelation ability. It’s characterized by abnormal face and body postures as well as avoidance of eye contact.

The symptoms of autism vary from individual to individual. However, there are general social difficulties that cut across all autistic individuals

The underdevelopment of the nervous system is one of the effects of a folic acid deficiency in pregnancy. Recent research shows that autistic cases reduce significantly among mothers who take folic acid in pregnancy and before conception.

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7.      Useful For DNA Replication

The most rapid cell division in humans occurs in an egg that has been fertilized. For cells to divide, the DNA must duplicate itself to form an entirely new cell. This process of a cell making a copy of itself is what is referred to as DNA replication.

Folic acid in pregnancy is essential for this replication to happen.

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8.      Folic Acid Helps in the Conversion Of Carbohydrates

Folate also aids in the conversion of carbohydrates to energy for absorption by the body.

A pregnant mom needs the energy for the fetus to progress well and for the placenta to work effectively. The maternal tissues also need energy to keep regenerating.

The maternal body experiences more activities in the organs such as the heart, the kidney, and the respiratory system. You, therefore, need the energy to keep being active and not feel perpetually exhausted.

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Benefits of Taking Folic Acid Before Pregnancy

Folic acid in pregnancy is most useful in the first weeks of the baby’s development. The neural plate is created when the baby’s nervous system starts forming. It then turns into the neural tube, which later develops into the brain and the spine.

The first weeks of the pregnancy are the most critical. The brain and spinal cord develop in the first 4 weeks of pregnancy.

Many women, however, do not know they are pregnant in those very first weeks. As a result, the baby could be developing without these essential nutrients, while the mother is oblivious to the changes occurring in her body. 

A healthy body is a prerequisite to getting pregnant. If you’re planning on trying for a baby, you should focus on getting healthy before getting pregnant. Your body needs to be well prepared to nurture the growing baby way before conception.  

Taking folic acid before pregnancy prepares your body for the vital task of carrying and nurturing a baby for about 40 weeks.

6 Folate-Rich Foods For Pregnancy

The human body cannot make folic acid on its own. This is why foods rich in folic acid must be incorporated into everyday meals in the proper quantities.

Related article: What Foods Should a Pregnant Woman Eat Daily? 15 Best Foods For Pregnancy

Here is a list of the best sources of folic acid food in pregnancy:

1. Legumes

Examples of leguminous foods are beans, peas, and lentils. The amount of folate in the legumes varies in percentage. Lentils contain the highest level of folate per similar serving.

To get the full benefit of the legumes, incorporate all of them into your menu in various meals. Experiment with different cooking styles to make them interesting and to avoid getting bored.

Beans and peas may cause gas.  To make them less gassy, soak them overnight, and rinse them before boiling. Throw in a carrot when boiling and discard it afterward to further reduce your chances of bloating and flatulence.

2. Fortified Cereal

Most store-bought cereal is now fortified with folic acid and vitamins. Read your labels before leaving the store and ensure that your oats or cornflakes have the fortification mark.  

3. Eggs

The good old eggs are among the best sources of folic acid in pregnancy. The nutrients in eggs are multiple blessings for a pregnant mother.

Eggs are loaded with proteins, selenium, vitamin B2, and vitamin B12. They are also rich in antioxidants, which also prevent birth defects in babies.

4. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are good for everyone; they help improve your immunity while preventing opportunistic infections such as the common flu. Regular intake of citrus fruits reduces the probability of getting certain cancers.

In pregnancy, citrus fruits are high in folate content. They also help reduce the symptoms of morning sickness. Increase your intake of tangerines, oranges, limes, and grapefruit to increase the folic acid levels in the body.

Citrus fruits also contain high levels of vitamin C, which helps your baby’s bones to grow properly. With their high fiber content, constipation will be a past discomfort. 

5. Broccoli

With its high fiber content, broccoli has been praised for its ability to abet digestion and get rid of constipation.

The high content of folate in broccoli makes it very good for providing folic acid in pregnancy. Besides, it’s high in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as the trace element, manganese.

Broccoli can be eaten raw or cooked. It should be steamed to kill any bacteria. If eaten raw, ensure that it’s properly washed and rinsed. Soak it in vinegar to kill any pests and get rid of harmful chemicals.

6. Green Leafy Vegetables

Everyone should be eating their fair share of vegetables, but pregnant mothers the most. Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, arugula, watercress, cabbage, and various types of lettuce are excellent sources of folic acid in pregnancy. Vegetables also provide much-needed fiber and vitamins responsible for the good development of the baby.

At least 4 servings of leafy vegetables per day will provide enough folic acid in pregnancy. The fruits have to be carefully washed and rinsed.


  • How Much Folic Acid Do You Need?

Some of the beneficial nutrients needed by a pregnant mom are available in the everyday foods available in your pantry. However, supplements in pill form have to be taken as well to ensure that the required amounts are present in the body.

The best folic acid supplements for pregnancy are the prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid.  For the folic acid benefits in pregnancy to be effective, the supplements have to be taken daily.

For the period before conception and the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the recommended dosage is 400 mcg. The dosage should be increased to 600mcg for the 13th week until the baby is born. A breastfeeding mom can reduce it to 500 mcg.

  • When should you stop taking folic acid?

The compulsory time for taking folic acid in pregnancy is between conception and the first 12 weeks. After that, you may choose to stop. However, it’d be beneficial if you take them until the baby is born.

  • Why take folic acid 3 months before conception?

It is advisable to take folic acid 3 months before conception to protect your baby from neural tube defects which is necessary in the first weeks of pregnancy.

  • Does folic acid help form the neural tube?

Folic acid is important in the formation of the neural tube during early pregnancy and deficiency increases the chances of birth defects such as spina bifida by 70 percent.

  • How many months should a pregnant woman take folic acid?

A pregnant woman should take 400 micrograms of folic acid supplements daily for the first three months to reduce the risk of neural tube defects.

Folic acid in pregnancy

Final Thoughts

Being keen on the intake of your folic acid in pregnancy is a sure way of controlling, in a small way, what is happening in the waters of the womb.

Pregnancy is a delicate affair; it comes with its complexities. Often, you may not be able to control much of what happens in the womb. However, what you can do is give your baby the best environment and nutrition for growth and development.

Which mother hasn’t spent a few minutes counting baby toes and confirming that the little human that has just been delivered is whole? Daily sufficient consumption of folic acid from various sources gives you the satisfaction that the bun in the oven is baking well and reduces your anxiety about the possibility of birth defects.

Prenatal Nutrition Library

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