12 Diaper Changing Hacks for New Moms

by Beatrice W, RD
Published: Last Updated on
diaper changing hacks

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New moms definitely need diaper changing hacks, because although babies are cute, but they can be a ton of work. Changing the baby’s diapers is one of the parenting tasks that many would avoid given a chance. Diaper changes ensure your baby stays clean, neat, and comfortable.

Babies will wriggle, fuss, cry, or even try to crawl away while parents try to put them in a diaper. A simple process can turn into a tug of war between the baby and the mother. These diaper changing hacks will make the process engaging and fun for you and your baby.

What are the Best Diaper Changing Hacks?

1. Find a comforting song for diapering time

A diaper-changing song makes diaper changes more fun; it makes it interactive, and the proximity helps you nurture the baby’s visual development, and the skin contact allows bonding. Maintain eye contact and smile to the baby, especially when he/she is in distress. Stick your tongue out, make surprised faces, and silly faces to familiarize your baby with social cues.

2. Start by wiping across baby’s belly with a wet wipe

Among the best diaper changing hacks that minimize the chances of you getting messy while opening the diaper. The baby will want to pee or poop before opening the diaper. Try this if your baby splashes more waste on you just as you start changing them. Wipe just below the belly button.

3. Make use of diaper color lines

At first, moms find it hard to recognize whether the baby tired, hungry, attention-seeking, or uncomfortable. As time goes by, they learn the baby’s cues and get tuned in with the baby’s cries and needs. Wet and soiled diapers can be uncomfortable for your baby hence the need to know when to change it.

The color-changing indicator allows you to know when to change the diaper. The line is pH-activated; it turns to blue from yellow when the diaper is wet.

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4. Go up a size

Babies grow very fast, so the diaper size changes as quickly. If the diaper takes a short time to get full, especially at night, get a bigger size. Look out for these signs that indicate your baby has outgrown a particular diaper size:

•    Your baby’s weight exceeds what the diaper guideline recommends

•    Red marks on your baby’s waist, hips, and groin

•    Tabs are closer to the hips, further from the center

•    The bum is not well covered

5. Use the blowout blocker

What is a blowout? It is when the baby’s load explodes outside the diaper and causes a huge mess. At some point, the baby is developing the excretory, and the digestive system and blowout happen often. The blowout blocker prevents the clothing and bedding from getting soiled. It is reusable and waterproof.

6. Use a spatula or a diaper cream brush

A diaper cream brush will prevent you from getting diaper cream everywhere, including your hands. It also makes diaper changing more sanitary. Even when using a diaper cream brush, be sure to keep your hands clean and dry.

7. Get diaper time toys

One of the best diaper changing hacks that will reduce the wailing. Toys are an excellent distraction when you need to do something. Kids love them. Using a particular toy while changing diapers will help your baby transition from what they were doing. Ensure the toys can be washed as they may come into contact with the mess.

8. Keep your nails short

Short nails are not only hygienic but also prevent hurting or scaring the baby’s delicate skin. Long nails are prone to hiding residue under the nails and could make diaper changing very tedious.

9. Apply rag cream using the pinkie finger

If you do not have a spatula or a diaper cream brush, use the pinkie finger. It keeps your hands clean, and you can evenly apply the cream over the baby.

10. Always pack an extra outfit or two

Moms know better than to be caught unaware. Ensuring the diaper bag is packed at all times will save you from unpleasant surprises. Include an extra T-shirt or blouse for yourself and several changing outfits for your baby.

11. Get the older siblings involved

Older siblings can probably relate to their sister’s/brother’s diaper changes based on their own experience. Let them stay close as you change the baby. They will help in one way or another for a smooth diaper change.

12. Use petroleum jelly

Since way back, parents have used petroleum jelly to protect the baby’s skin from diaper rash. In case you are out of cream, petroleum jelly will work just fine. Buy the dye and scent-free one to protect the baby from any allergies.

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Diaper Changing Hacks: How to Change a Diaper

•    Lay the baby on her/his back and remove any clothes inhibiting diaper access

•    Remove the wet/soiled diaper

•    Gently lift the baby to scoot out the diaper under the baby’s bottom

•    Using wipes. Clean the diaper region; wipe from the front back to prevent infection

•    If you spot any inflamed or red area, apply diaper ointment soothingly

•    Place a soft diaper under the baby. Move the front part upwards on the baby’s belly. Fasten the tabs to keep the diaper on the waist

•    Replace the clothing over the fresh diaper

What is The Best Diaper Brand for Babies?

•    Pampers Swaddlers Disposable Diapers

They feature a uniquely designed liner and super absorbent material to protect your baby from the mess, leaving their sensitive skin dry and fresh. They are easy to clean up and prevent diaper rash. Pampers Swaddlers material is soft and prevents blowouts. They are thin and comfortable with a small notch to avoid irritating the umbilical cord for newborns

• Eco-Friendly Premium Dyper Bamboo Diapers

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Dyper bamboo diapers are made from organic matter to protect your baby from harmful ingredients like chlorine, GMOs, pesticides, latex, lotions, and fragrance. They are very absorbent, soft, and fit securely with the adjustable Velcro straps. According to some people, the diaper blocks the stench.

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•    Huggies Overnight Diapers

Diaper changing hacks for new moms

Final Words

Switching to overnight diapers will prevent overnight leaking when your baby can finally sleep through the night. The diapers give the extra coverage needed and offer 12-hour protection against wetness. The Huggies overnight diapers have a snug waistband and start from size 3 to 6.

Try out these 12 diaper-changing hacks today and give us your feedback in the comment section.

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