Newborn Sleep: Everything New Moms Should Know

by Beatrice W, RD
Published: Last Updated on
newborn sleep

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A sleeping baby is really good at doing the one thing you don’t get to do anymore.

-Linda Poindexter

Babies are the best, yet can they be one of the most confusing beings ever when they cry. Is the baby hungry? Tired? Or do they need to cuddle?  Ensuring that your baby gets enough sleep will keep him/her well-rested and happy.

Newborn sleep patterns vary. They spend 16-18 hours a day sleeping. However, they are programmed to sleep in 2 to 3 hours intervals to allow feeding. Baby sleep habits can turn your life upside down, especially if you are a first-time mom. This guide will help you get your baby to sleep independently at an early age.

Crib vs. Bassinet, Which one is better for Newborn Sleep?

Both bassinets and cribs are safe newborn sleep options. They both have their advantages and shortcomings. If you have limited space, a bassinet might be your go-to sleep choice. Bassinets are smaller and more portable. You can place them by your side as you sleep for regular feeding and changing diapers.

Most bassinets feature a cover to pull over while your baby is sleeping. The sides are lower for easy placement of your newborn. Bassinets are recommendable for the first few months as they have weight limits. As your baby grows, a bassinet might not offer the safety your baby requires. They could easily roll over and fall.

Cribs take up more space, but you can use them for longer. They are more expensive than bassinets, which could end up saving you money since you can convert them to toddlers’ beds. Whichever choice you go for, ensure you share a sleeping room with your toddler for at least six months.

Related Post: How To Transition Baby To Crib From Co-Sleeping

Why do Babies Wake up Crying?

Crying, especially late in the night, can be startling. There are various reasons why your baby wakes up crying sometimes. It is important to understand the probable causes of crying to know your next step to enhance newborn sleep routine that works.

•    Hunger

Feeling hungry is a big crying motivation. Newborns express their hunger by crying to attract attention. The milk craving is no joke.

•    Wet diaper

Comfort is key. Wet diapers may irritate your baby and interrupt their peaceful sleep. Ensure you change your baby’s diaper regularly. Wet diapers interrupt newborn sleep patterns.

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•    Need More Sleep

Newborns may get annoyed when they can’t fall back to sleep despite feeling tired. Rocking or soothing will help your baby sleep a little longer.

•    Medical conditions

Check for changes in the newborn sleep patterns. If your baby was sleeping okay and they suddenly wake up screaming, see if they have a fever. He could be catching an infection or suffering from pain. Look out for other warning signs, including difficulty in breathing. Seek medical attention in this case.

•    Adjusting to the change

Your baby may have gotten enough rest and is not hungry yet. He needs some time to be fully awake. Give them time to transition. A toy or a little soothing will do the trick.

How to Soothe Your Tired Baby to Sleep

Does your baby wake up a short while after going to sleep? Does he cry inconsolably so often? This could be a sign of tiredness, and here’s how to go about it.

•    Swaddle the Baby

Swaddling provides a feeling of safety and comfort to your baby. It is a good sleep association. If done with moderation, it will positively impact your baby’s sleep. Here are some swaddling tips:

1.    Feed baby without the swaddle during the day

2.    Incorporate swaddling to the baby’s routine

3.    Try to change diapers without un-swaddling

4.    At night, feed the baby swaddled

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•    Keep tiredness at bay

It is not hard to keep the baby well-rested. Regular naps throughout the day will do the trick. Ensure your baby (0-8 weeks) is not up for more than an hour before letting them nap. Babies under six months should not stay up for more than 2 hours continuously.

•    Create a routine

Routines will help both the mother and the baby to thrive. If you do not have a routine already, consider making one. Which is the best routine for newborn sleep?

1.    Create bed and naptimes

2.    Mini routines within the main routine allow the baby to get ready for sleep. Creating positive sleep associations like reading a book might be helpful.

3.    Regular feeding intervals. Although you may want to feed your baby when he/she is hungry, staying on a routine will help the baby take full feeds.

The Best Sleeping Position for Babies

A safe sleeping position reduces the risk of Sudden Death Infant Syndrome, which leads to around 2500 infant death every year in the United States. The supine position, sleeping on the back, is advised for babies. Sleeping on the back keeps the baby’s airways open.

However, leaving the infant in that position for a prolonged time could cause positional plagiocephaly, misshaped head. The shape may become normal by the time your baby turns one. To avoid such complications consider;

1.    Setting aside more cuddles time

2.    Minimizing the time the baby spends in car seats or carriers

3.    Positioning the baby to rest on the side of the head

4.    Changing the crib’s location often so your baby has different things to view in different directions

Related Post: Baby Sleep Tips: How To Get Your Baby To Sleep Fast

Newborn Sleep Myths Busted; When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night?

It is every parent’s dream to have their baby sleep through the night. Many try even the craziest things to make the baby sleep. Listed below are various busted myths about the baby’s sleep.

•    Keep the nursery dead quiet

While a quiet environment is essential for peaceful sleep, a shushing sound may be comforting to the baby. It also prevents the baby from awakening to slight noises around the house. Consider using a white noise machine to get your baby to sleep.

•    Never awaken a sleeping baby

You might have had several warnings about interrupting newborn sleep, especially after they have spent a considerable time yelling and throwing tantrums. During the first couple of weeks, the baby should feed every two or three hours. There is a need for nudging the baby awake to feed.

•    Bumpers keep the baby safe

Crib bumpers increase the risk of suffocation, just like pillows and comforters. It is crucial to keep the crib safe for the baby. A comfortable sheet will work.

•    Baby should sleep all night

All babies are different. Until around nine months is when your baby can adapt the 9-12 hours sleeping without feeding.

Use these newborn sleep tips and get adequate time for your rest.

Newborn sleep

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