Is it Possible to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding? (9 Expert Tips That Work)

by Beatrice W, RD
Published: Last Updated on
lose weight while breastfeeding

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Weight gain in pregnancy is expected and important. Unfortunately, most moms struggle to lose weight after having a baby because they’re moving from pregnancy to breastfeeding. Both stages have high nutrient demands that may increase your cravings and calorie intake. So, is it possible to lose weight while breastfeeding?

Your weight loss will depend on how much weight you gain during pregnancy, which depends on your genes, pregnancy feeding habits, and how much you weigh pre-pregnancy. For many mothers, breastfeeding time is also when they gain more weight than they did during pregnancy.  But, this is not the time to try out diets or fasting because they may affect your milk supply. The good news is that breastfeeding will help you lose some of the weight, especially the mommy pouch, but you’ll need to go a little extra to lose the baby weight.

As you try to lose weight after having a baby you do not want to do anything that will cause the milk supply to go down. So the nagging question for most moms is, “How can I lose weight without affecting my baby’s milk supply? Worry not. This article shares 9 expert tips to help you safely lose weight quickly while breastfeeding without affecting your milk supply.

Is it More Difficult to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding?

It took you nine months to gain the weight, and it’s good to be realistic about how fast the pounds will drop. Your weight came from the extra body tissue and layers of fat that you gained as the baby grew and developed. The amniotic fluid, the weight of the baby, some retained water, and the placenta also added to the weight. Once the baby is born, you may have also gained some more weight since you need to eat to keep producing milk.

There will be no quick fix; the best thing is to adopt healthy ways to lose weight while breastfeeding. Wait until the baby is at least two months old before you start any weight loss program. Do not overexert or push yourself too hard.

Lose Weight While Breastfeeding
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Do not pause or reduce breastfeeding; the baby still needs nourishment, and breast milk is still the best source of nutrients for the baby. Continue breastfeeding as usual and if you see the milk supply declining, halt the weight loss venture.

Keep the weight loss in check, do not lose too much too fast. It’s recommended that you lose not more than 2KGs (or 6 pounds) per month. Do not reduce your calorie intake too much, as you might have less milk for the baby if you do.

The weight loss process and activities you undertake will depend on a few things, and we’ll look at some of them below.   

1. Your mode of delivery

If you had a Caesarean section, you might want to wait a little longer than a mother who had a vaginal birth. Give your body time to heal before subjecting it to a weight loss plan. Whether you delivered your baby vaginally or via a cesarean section, do not start any plans to lose weight before six weeks postpartum.

Do not go into any post-pregnancy weight loss program without a go-ahead from your doctor.  When the doctor has reviewed your recovery and is satisfied with your physical, mental, and emotional state, they can advise you on the best time and method to start focusing on your weight.

Also Read: What to Expect During Postpartum Recovery

2. How much weight you gain

If your pre-pregnancy weight was high, you’d probably take more time to lose weight while breastfeeding. As is expected, the more weight you’re beginning with, the longer and more complex it will be to lose it. That is not to make you feel bad, and you will eventually lose the weight despite how much you have gained. It’s helpful to start from a realistic angle, though.

3. Your metabolism

Some people burn food and calories speedily, while other bodies hold on to their beloved calories a little longer. The rate at which your body burns food will be a significant determinant of whether you will lose weight while breastfeeding and how much. Do not compare your weight loss journey with a different mom since your metabolic rates are not similar. Endeavor to walk your weight loss path as unique as your body is.

You can increase your metabolic rate by eating more fiber, increasing your water intake, and cooking your food with healthier cooking options such as coconut oil as opposed to regular vegetable oil.

4. Your diet

Your weight is directly proportional to what you eat. The fastest way to lose weight while breastfeeding is by being very cautious and conscious of what’s on your plate.

9 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding

If you’re wondering, “How can I lose weight without losing my milk supply?” you’re not alone. Many new moms struggle with this very question as they battle the pull between having enough breast milk for their babies and getting their pre-pregnancy body back.

You don’t have to choose between nourishing your baby and getting your body back to the one you once had. You can start slowly by making healthy choices. I’ll show you how.  

Also Read: 10 Natural Ways to Increase Your Breastmilk Supply

#1 Drink enough water

This really should be on everyone’s daily to-do list, whether they are new mothers or not, and your body needs to be well hydrated. As a new mom seeking to lose weight while breastfeeding without compromising the milk supply, water has to be on the top of your diet list.

Water is excellent for helping with digestion and getting rid of toxins. Staying well-hydrated is also vital for breast milk production. Ensure that you have taken at least eight glasses of water every day. Staying hydrated also keeps you from overeating by giving you a full feeling.

Lose Weight While Breastfeeding
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Replace your sweetened drinks with water as it I calorie-free, and they’ll help increase your metabolic rate. If plain water is not sitting very well with you, infuse it with fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers and lemons.

If you’re worried that you’re eating a little more than you should, drink a glass of water before meals. This will leave you feeling less hungry, and it’ll help you eat less.

#2 Eat a healthy diet

For you to lose weight while breastfeeding, your diet plays the most prominent role. It’s almost impossible to out-exercise a bad diet. If you’re wondering if you can diet while breastfeeding, the answer is yes, you can. But the dieting here has to be taken not to mean starving yourself, to being watchful of what you’re eating.

Your diet needs are just the same as those of a non-breastfeeding person, with only a few more calories. Generally, a breastfeeding mom should have about 400-600 calories more than a person who’s not breastfeeding.

If you’ve been wondering, “Why can’t I lose weight after having a baby?” you need to check your diet habits. You may have been erroneously eating for two from the time you were pregnant and kept at it after delivery, and this habit will be detrimental to your weight. You don’t need to eat for two while breastfeeding; you need to eat well for one and drink for two. Here’s what you need for your diet to help you lose weight while breastfeeding.

Also Read: 15 Best Foods for Breastfeeding Moms

#3 Eat healthy carbs

A healthy breastfeeding diet should be low on simple carbs and more complex carbs that keep you feeling full longer. Simple carbs and processed carbs give you instant satisfaction but make you hungry faster, leaving you craving more food which is counter-productive to your weight loss quest.

Keep the calorie counter on and ensure that you’re eating not less than 1,500 per day. Keep in mind to not eat more than 2,500 calories a day. That will be too much and will affect your weight upwards.

Instead of feeding on empty calories like fried chips, and most white flour snacks, eat more whole grains, seeds, and cereals. Most seeds such as pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and whole grains give you lots of healthy fats devoid of empty calories. They are also a fantastic source of fiber which aids in digestion.

#5 Eat more vegetables

Your diet should also contain lots of vegetables, especially the leafy green leafy. Vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that you will need for milk production and sustainable weight loss.

Lose Weight While Breastfeeding
Photo by Solare Flares on

It would be best if you had iron and vitamins for milk production. The vegetables will give you that without adding to your weight—incorporate vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and carrots. The vegetables will help boost your milk supply while aiding in weight loss.

#6 Eat lots of fruits

Fruits are a must-have if you want to lose weight while breastfeeding, as they are rich in vital vitamins. These vitamins are essential for enriching breast milk while helping you keep your waistline smaller.

Have a lot of citrus fruits and other colorful fruits for vitamins A, C, and other valuable vitamins. Ensure that your meal has more fruits and vegetables than carbs. Limit your intake of fruits that may contain very high sugar levels, such as dried fruits, and eat less sugary fruits such as watermelon, pineapples, and apples that have increased fiber content. The more colorful your plate is, the better for your health and breast milk.

#7 Increase your protein intake

You’ll need protein to build your body tissue and to help in milk production. Consume more plant proteins, such as legumes. Lentils offer very high protein without unhealthy fats and cholesterol. Avoid bans as they might cause your baby to be gassy and fussy.

Avoid red meat and eat lean meats such as fish and chicken. Fish contains omega-3 which will be great for you and the developing baby. Take care that the fish you eat doesn’t have a high level of toxic metals such as mercury or lead. Keep away from fish such as the king mackerel and salmon.

Go easy on cow’s milk to avoid causing colic on your breastfeeding baby.

Also Read: Managing Colic in Babies: Life-Saving Tips for New Moms

#8 Moderate exercise

For you to lose weight while breastfeeding, you will have to move a little. Exercise helps you stay healthy and fit even as you lose excess unwanted weight.

Do not overdo the exercise; start with simple exercises such as walking and dancing. Taking walks is good for your mind as well as it helps you unwind. You may choose to walk on your own or wear your baby and take them with you as a way to bond.

Lose Weight While Breastfeeding
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Yoga is also an excellent exercise to help you lose weight postpartum. You can incorporate some dance as well, and dancing is an easy way to keep fit while enjoying yourself and freeing your mind of worry and mommy trouble.

The rule is not to be sedentary but to keep moving and to keep it simple. You can increase the intensity as the baby grows older and your body gets stronger.

Also Read: Postpartum Fitness Routine: How to Get Back in Shape After Having a Baby

#9 Get enough sleep

Sleep and a newborn baby sound like such a paradox, but rest and sleep are integral to losing weight while breastfeeding. Your body needs to rest and recover after birth. Sleep helps your muscles to relax, and it helps restore blood to your organs.

If your baby is still waking up for night feeds, express the milk and arrange for your partner or child’s minder to feed them when they wake up. Having help with the midnight feeding will help you get a few more hours of sleep. Take advantage of the baby’s nap times also to get a shut-eye.

Also Read: 10 Sleep Training Tips for New Moms

#10 Breastfeed on demand

Breastfeeding is suitable for your baby and also for you. One of the simple answers is to keep breastfeeding if you’re wondering how to lose belly fat while breastfeeding. When you breastfeed, your body burns calories which is great for weight loss. Breastfeeding also causes your uterus to contract; you may have noted that you get stomach cramps when the baby is feeding. That’s your uterus contracting.


  • How can I lose weight fast while breastfeeding?

It is possible to lose while breastfeeding as long as you eat complex carbs and avoid simple sugars, stay hydrated, get adequate sleep, and do moderate workouts such as walking and dancing.

  • What can I drink to lose belly fat while breastfeeding?

Some of the best drinks to help you lose belly fat while breastfeeding include hot water, lemon water, and green tea. Ensure that you eat a nutritious diet and avoid processed foods.

  • Why can’t I lose weight after having a baby?

Some factors like hormonal imbalance, a slow metabolism, sleep issues, and your diet choices can make it harder to lose weight after having a baby. You need to be patient with yourself and focus on healthy eating, breastfeed on demand, get adequate sleep, and move daily.

  • Is it more difficult to lose weight while breastfeeding?

One of the things that make it difficult to lose weight while breastfeeding is that the stage has high nutrient demands and it tends to increase your hunger levels. Ensure to eat high-fiber foods to increase satiety and drink more water

  • How long does it take to lose weight while breastfeeding?

It may take some time to lose weight after having a baby depending on our genes, diet patterns, and how much weight you gain during pregnancy. Some women lose weight quickly while for some it may take up to a year to lose all the baby fat. It is advisable to lose about 0.5kg to 0.9 kg (1-2lbs) per week instead of drastic weight loss.

In Summary

There isn’t one way to lose weight while breastfeeding; it’s a combination of consistency, a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep, and moderate exercise. Do not go it alone; if you’re not sure what to do or what to eat, talk to your doctor and nutritionist. You can also get another mama who’s in the same boat as you to walk the journey together. All in all, you’ll need to be patient with yourself and trust the process.

Losing weight while breastfeeding is terrific, but the most important thing is that you are healthy and your baby is well nourished. 

Lose weight while breastfeeding

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