How to Increase Breast Milk—10 Natural Ways to Boost Your Milk Supply

by Beatrice W, RD
Published: Last Updated on
how to increase breast milk

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“Human milk is like ice cream, penicillin, and the drug ecstasy all wrapped up in two pretty packages.”

Florence Williams

In their breast pumping and breastfeeding journey, many moms are always looking for tips on how to increase breast milk. Some of the questions you may ask yourself include, ‘am I making enough breast milk for my child?’ or ‘is there something I can do to boost my milk supply when breastfeeding?’

Luckily for new moms out there, there are various ways that they can use to help them boost and maintain consistent milk production. They include the following:

 Stay Hydrated to Increase Breast Milk

The total amount of fluid intake required by a breastfeeding mom will vary from one mom to another. However, you need to try and make sure that you are getting at least eight glasses of water each day.

Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

A breastfeeding mom needs to take an additional 500 calories each day. Try and eat nutritious foods that will help boost your energy levels, e.g., protein-rich foods such as oatmeal. Adding brewer’s yeast or flaxseed meal has been seen to help some mothers increase their milk supplies.

Do Not Forget Your Postnatal Vitamins

According to the AAP, Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, and Vitamin D are essential minerals and vitamins for breastfeeding mothers. Also, breastmilk content is likely to change depending on the mother’s diet.

Buy postnatal vitamins for breastfeeding moms on Amazon

Herbs and Supplements

According to the Canadian Breastfeeding Foundation, certain herbs and supplements can assist in increasing milk production. Using fenugreek or moringa when breastfeeding, for instance, takes effect in as little as one week.

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Nurse Often and Follow the Baby’s Lead

A nursing baby will typically not follow a schedule set by the parent; the baby gets to set the schedule. It is, therefore, important to try and go with your milk flow. Often, this will require you to follow the cues given by the baby, especially when dealing with a newborn baby.

A lactation consultant may recommend that you feed your baby on demand. This will require you to feed your child every time you notice that he or she is hungry. But the reality is, this may not always be possible, regardless of how much you try. Moms working away from home may find this to be very challenging. It will be vital for you to make sure that you get to consider your mental health. However, if you want to boost your milk production, then feeding on demand may be the best option for you.

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Allow the Baby Ample Time to Feed Fully On Each Side

You should note that the milk production system happens to be a demand and supply system. As such, the more your baby can feed, the more your body can produce the milk required to satisfy the baby.

Whenever your breast becomes empty, it transmits a message to your brain, asking it to start producing additional milk. The good thing is that when the baby empties all the milk, they get to enjoy the foremilk as well as the fatty hindmilk. This milk is essential for a baby’s growth and development.

Lactation Cookies to Increase Breast Milk

Anecdotally, some mothers have come to learn that lactation cookies help. And in case they fail to achieve their objective, the mothers still get to enjoy their deliciousness.

When you are looking for ways how to increase breast milk, you should consider these ten lactation cookies recipes that you can make at home. You can always choose to modify the ingredients depending on what you like or don’t like. Alternatively, head to the local mall and get yourself some pre-made cookies.

Buy lactation cookies on Amazon

Brew Lactation Teas

Do you like taking tea? If yes, then this may be the answer you have been looking for. Try drinking some lactation teas. Research on whether lactating herbs and teas help to boost milk supply in breastfeeding mothers has recorded varying results. However, if you do like their taste, why not try them out?

Buy lactation tea for increased breastmilk from Amazon

Use a Breast Pump

It is always best to make sure that you empty your breast. This is particularly important if you notice that your child is only feeding on one side. Find yourself the best breast pump available in the market and use it to empty your breast.

You could also use the pump to start a milk stash. The stash will help ensure that you have a good supply of milk both at home and in the workplace. But keep in mind that the most crucial point here will be to ensure that your baby is feeding correctly. It is important to point out that all women are unique.

Some have chronic problems like PCOS, insufficient glandular tissue, milk production problems, and many other issues that may make breastfeeding difficult. A breast pump can, therefore, be your best friend when it comes to making sure that you have sufficient milk to feed your newborn baby.

Related article: 10 Best breast pumps

Buy a breast pump on Amazon

Take Supplements that Increase Breast Milk

What if you are looking for ways on how to increase breast milk production but do not want to take teas or cookies? Galactagogues like Blessed Thistle and Fenugreek can help you with this problem. The two are supplements that can either be taken separately or as part of a combo formulation.

Buy Blessed Thistle for breastfeeding on Amazon

Fenugreek and moringa powder have been seen to provide mixed results when taken alone. Some women can notice an increase in their milk production while others do not see any improvement. Try using different combinations to find out what works best for your body. And as always, be sure to consult your physician or doctor before you start taking any supplements.

Buy Moringa powder on Amazon

When to Seek Help

In case you notice that these techniques don’t help you to increase breast milk production, try and speak to your doctor. Alternatively, consider speaking with a lactation specialist.

When milk production is the underlying problem, correcting the issues often involves making a few changes to your feeding routine, e.g, getting yourself a breastfeeding chair or even changing your feeding routine.  

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