How to Survive the First Month with a Newborn: 11 Life Saving Hacks

by Beatrice W, RD
Published: Last Updated on
survive the first month with a newborn

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How do you survive the first month with a newborn as a new mom?

Newborns are fragile; their skin is delicate, the skull plates are still unfused, and they need to feed very often. The first month is usually the hardest. They need constant care, and as a new parent, you are yet to discover what that entails. There are many life changes and a lot to adjust to.

You have undergone significant physical change and raging hormones, and you don’t have enough time to sleep, eat, put your home in order, and practice self-care. You thought you were prepared until you feel like you’re losing it. Here are some helpful tips on how to survive the first month with a newborn.

survive the first month with a newborn

#1 Accept the Help Offers

Drop the independent woman attitude. You may feel like you are a burden, but you are not. You might feel overwhelmed and frustrated after a few days of inadequate rest and sleep. Remember that you are also in the recovery process and it may not easy to survive the first month with a newborn. You need a healthy mind and a relaxed body for proper parenting. Go ahead and accept the meal offers.

#2 Stock up on Maternity Pads

You will bleed for a good while after delivery. Maternity pads are super absorbent and comfortable to help you get through these days. You may invest in a lotion for the lady bits to aid in healing.

#3 Sleep when your Baby Sleeps

This is the only way you will avoid sleep deprivation. Newborns spend about 18 hours sleeping.  However, they sleep in intervals to feed. Rest or lay down if you can’t find some sleep. Some more tips for surviving a newborn sleep deprivation include:

•    Ditch the late-night shows and rest

•    Horizontal breastfeeding– feed while laying down. This is only recommended for the first month or so for your baby’s independence

•    Consider sleep training

•    Hire someone- If you feel too overwhelmed, get an extra hand to get you some “me time.”

#4 Join a Mum’s Group

Connecting with other newborn moms can be a lifesaver. You get to learn some newborn tricks and hacks. Furthermore, isn’t it comforting to know you are not the only out who’s missing out on good sleep? With the advancement in technology, you can use apps that help with how to survive the first month with a newborn.

#5 Get your Partner Involved

Let your partner have some time alone with the baby. This not only strengthens their bond but gives you a break and some time alone to recharge. You may let him bath the baby or feed him sometimes. Accepting help is a good way to survive the first month with a newborn.

#6 Learn How to Calm Your Baby

Crying is the baby’s communication means. He/she is trying to tell you something. Hungry? Need a diaper change? Unwell? Too hot or cold?  You will learn the baby’s cues with time. Here are some tips for consoling a crying baby:

•    Experiment with various ways to rock your baby. You will discover your baby’s most comforting way

•    Use a pacifier

•    Swaddle

•    Rub and pat your baby’s back

•    Sing and speak to the baby

RELATED: Managing Colic In Babies: Life Saving Tips For New Moms

#7 Eat a Healthy Diet

Proper nutrition is essential during lactation. Ensure you eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.  You need a lot of energy throughout the day. If you do not get the required nutrients from food, your body will start to get them from its stores. Some best foods for breastfeeding mums include salmon, lean beef, low-fat dairy products, blueberries, legumes, eggs, oranges, leafy greens, and brown rice. Above all, stay hydrated.

#8 Brace Yourself

It is normal to worry about some things you may find abnormal about your baby even after your pediatrician says your baby is okay. You may find the umbilical cord too black. Just keep it clean, it will disengage in a couple of weeks. Sponge baths are recommended until it disconnects.

You will experience spit-ups and lots of soiled clothes. Let your baby burp after feeding to get rid of them. After feeding, hold your baby or position him/her upright in a stroller or a baby seat to allow him/her to burp. To survive the first month with a newborn, you need to brace yourself and be positive about the new changes.

At the very start, the newborn’s poop is greenish-black. It may change to shades of yellow, brown, or green. It could be runny, curdy, seedy, or pasty.

It is normal if the baby breathes less than 60 breaths every minute. However, rapid breathing and whizzing may be a sign of a respiratory problem.

#9 Learn How to Bathe the Baby

Bathing a newborn is often a challenge for new mothers. You can wet a washcloth and wash her on the changing table, or you could hold her in the bathing bowl/plastic tub. Keep the room warm and ensure you have everything you need.

Wash the baby from top to bottom while paying attention to folded areas, including the neck, under the chin, and eyelids to avoid skin infection. Use a mild shampoo for the scalp and mild soap for the body.

RELATED ARTICLE: How To Bathe A Baby Step By Step

#10 Invest in New-mom Products

Numerous products in the market could make surviving the first month with a newborn much more manageable. Think nursing bras, baby monitors, breast soothers, stretch mark creams, pregnancy pillows postpartum underwear, and baby carrier.

RELATED ARTICLE: 12 Breastfeeding Essentials For Nursing Moms

#11 Get some Fitting clothes

Weight gain is a typical experience for new moms. Buy yourself some new stylish postpartum clothes to slay in them. You will love it.

How Soon Can You Take a Newborn Out in Public?

Although newborns are tiny and delicate, they can enjoy the outdoors from time to time. The change in scenery is suitable for both of you. Avoid crowded and enclosed places to prevent your baby from germs and infection for at least the first six weeks.

Start small. A walk around your neighborhood is a good start. Lengthen your trips to get the baby used to the outdoors. Always carry your supplies regardless of how short your trip might be. Babies can be unpredictable

Babies grow up so fast. Even before you know it, the newborn phase will be long gone. Enjoy these moments with your baby. It might be more challenging than you expected but do it. Use these helpful tips to develop a coping mechanism that works for you to survive the first month with a newborn.

“A happy mum is a happy baby.”

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