How to Transition Baby to Crib From Co-Sleeping

by Beatrice W, RD
Published: Last Updated on
transition baby to crib

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One of the lovely fantasies you have as a first-time parent while shopping for a crib is watching your cute baby sleeping so peacefully in it. However, most new moms struggle to transition the baby to the crib. It can be more challenging than you anticipated. Don’t give up! A crib allows your baby to recharge and some time on their own.

You may find it more logical to sleep next to your baby for feeding and regular care. Sleep deprivation is a bad experience. Here is what transitioning baby from a bassinet to a crib entails and tips to make it shorter and more comfortable for you and your baby.

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How Long Should a Baby Sleep in a Bassinet?

Most babies sleep in a bassinet for the first one to three months for convenience. Ideally, experts recommend that infants should sleep in the same room as their parents for one year. Babies sleeping routine can be predicted from around two months.

There is no fixed timing on when to transition baby to the crib from the bassinet. However, see the maximum weight your bassinet should hold. In most cases, there is a limit to 10 pounds, but weight limits may vary.

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How to Tell It’s Time to Transition Baby to Crib

Has the baby outgrown the bassinet? Check if his/her feet and head seem to keep hitting against the bassinet’s edges. This is an indication your baby needs more space.

What does your baby weigh? Different co-sleepers and bassinets have different weight limits. Check the bassinet manual to know its weight limit. If you can’t find the limit, be sure to transition baby from bassinet to crib when he/she weighs between 10- 20 pounds.

Can your baby sit up or flip out? Kids are different. Some are more active and energetic than others. If the baby can sit up or roll over, it is risky for them to continue sleeping in the bassinet.

Remember, the longer the wait, the higher the resistance. It is easier to transition your baby to crib at a younger age than when they are older. Avoid transitioning ahead of significant environmental changes, including moving to a new home or a vacation.

Essential Items You Will Need to Transition Baby to Crib.

It is vital to ensure a crib is in a pleasant place. Is it offering a safe sleeping environment for your baby? Here are things you require when transitioning a baby to crib.

  • Full-sized crib to provide enough space for growth: Check on Amazon
  • Firm mattress- There is a higher chance of suffocation while using a soft mattress.
  • Baby monitor-There is both video and audio monitors available to help you keep an eye on your baby when he/she is in a different room.

Your baby requires a clear space for a peaceful sleep. Pillows, stuffed animals, and blankets pose a risk for suffocation. The room temperature recommended for the baby to sleep comfortably is between 68-72 degrees. If you are worried about your baby getting cold, you could use a sleep sack.

Always put your baby to sleep on their back. It is the safest position and decreases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. If your baby is used to falling asleep near you, try to sleep on their crib sheets to create an illusion, you are near them.

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5 Helpful Tips to Transition Baby to Crib from Bassinet

After putting everything in place and deciding it is time to transition baby to the crib, your next question is how to transition your baby to the crib. Regardless your baby quickly adapts to the switch or is resistant towards it; it is a significant step to their development and independence. Listed are club training techniques to make the transition easier.

  • Make it Gradual

The crib is a new environment, and it might take time for the baby to feel safe. Your baby needs to get familiar with the crib and feel comfortable to transition fully. This can’t happen overnight. Let the baby take some of her naps in the crib and some in the bassinet before a full transition.

Darkness could contribute to the baby’s resistance to transitioning. Put her in the crib during the daytime, where they can see them to reduce anxiety. Allow him/her to nap in the crib during the day.

  • Create a Routine

It is easy to predict your baby’s sleep cycle. A sleep routine will help your baby thrive. Consistency is essential to help the baby learn and get used to the crib. If you are yet to implement night-time rituals like bathing, reading, snuggling, then sleeping, it is an excellent time to establish them. These activities will signal to them that it is time to sleep in the crib when continuously repeated.

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  • Normalize the Crib

You could start by letting the crib stay in your room. Your presence will make it easier for the baby to fall asleep. Consider moving the crib further from your bed and finally in their room to help them get used to the change.

You may also move into the nursery for a couple of nights if there is enough space for an air mattress. You could also hang out in their nursery for a while before they fall asleep. Let the baby settle down entirely and get comfortable until she can sleep on her own.

You may use play dates to help the baby feel more comfortable in the crib. Put toys so they can try to reach for them to establish the place as fun and safe.  However, don’t allow the baby to play for extended periods in the crib. The crib should be a sleeping place, not a playing ground.

  • Be Patient

The transition process might be difficult and stressful sometimes. As long as the baby is well catered for and has no medical-related issue, don’t beat yourself when the baby is a little too fussy. Take some time before going to check on them. You don’t have to walk in each time your baby makes a sound. It gets easier with time

  • Give Yourself a Break

It is much needed to take a break if you feel under so much stress. It is frustrating to see and hear the baby cry. You could have a friend, relative, or babysitter to avoid a meltdown. Go to the spa or do yoga to help calm your mind.

Babies tend to know when you are stressed. It will only build up their anxiety. If you have no one to watch them, listen to your favorite music, or take a shower.

  • Sound Machines and Baby Monitors

A baby monitor will help you keep track of your baby’s sleeping pattern. You can tell when the baby is making improvements and when to go and check up on them. With the advancement in technology over the years, modern baby monitors indicate any changes in humidity and temperature.

Related Article: Best baby monitors for audio and video recording

To prevent your baby from being easily awoken by even the slightest noise in the house, implement white noise. If the baby is used to a particular white noise, you could use it to help them sleep in the crib better. The white noise may help countermeasure sounds that could interrupt the baby’s sleep.

Check out White noise machines on Amazon.

No one knows your baby better than you do. No matter the research you carry out about how to transition baby to the crib, you have to figure out what works for you and your baby. The transition could take some days or even weeks, depending on your baby’s readiness. Be sure to make it fun and memorable for both of you.

transition baby to crib

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