How to Sterilize Baby Bottles

by Beatrice W, RD
Published: Last Updated on
How to Sterilize Baby Bottles

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The hygiene of the baby bottles can make a huge difference in your baby’s health. Once the baby starts bottle feeding, one of the biggest challenges is how to sterilize the baby bottles at home.

Sterilizing the baby bottles has to be delicately and patiently done. Remember, a baby’s bottle has many parts, dismantle it completely, and wash the bottle, nipples, valves, and membranes separately. Whether the baby is breast milk or formula-fed, the bottles must be well sterilized.

When to Sterilize Baby Bottles

Breastfeeding directly from the breast is the undisputed best form of feeding for your baby. Breastfeeding reduces the chances of infections from improperly washed bottles.

Bottle feeding might become necessary, especially if you’re going back to work or if the baby starts taking the formula for one reason or another.

If possible, delay bottle feeding as much as you can. But when you have to use the bottle, ensure that you properly sterilize the baby bottles. You can use clean water which is suitable for consumption, to clean baby bottles without sterililizing. However, there are instances when you have to sterilize the baby bottles. 

#1 When using the bottles for the first time

Before the bottles get to your house, they may have passed through a lot of dirty and contaminated places.

Because of that, ensure that the bottles are sterilized before their very first use. Do not forget to sterilize the new baby bottle, whether it was brand new or second-hand bottles.

#2 When the baby has had thrush

Oral thrush is a fungal infection that affects the baby and is common in babies less than 8 weeks old. It can also be passed between the mother and the baby, causing nipple thrush.

If your baby has oral thrush, it’s paramount that you disinfect his bottles to prevent counter-infection. Thrush usually goes away on its own in about two weeks. If your baby is still uncomfortable, take him to see a pediatrician.  

How long do you boil nipples for thrush? To kill the thrush, boil the nipples for 10 minutes. Ensure that the nipples rea used only once and then washed and sterilized.

#3 If you don’t trust your water

If the water you’re using for domestic purposes is even remotely contaminated, ensure that the baby’s bottles are sterilized in every wash.

#4 For preemies and sickly babies

Preemies and other babies with compromised immunity need to stay as far away from germs as they can. And if they are bottle-fed, their bottles must always be in pristine condition.


Washing Baby Bottles

Before sterilizing, ensure that the bottles are clean.

#1 Washing the baby bottles in a dishwasher

Dishwashers are an easier and less tedious option for cleaning bottles. If you’re wondering if your Avent bottle is dishwasher is safe, you should know they are. Baby bottles can be washed in the dishwasher before being sterilized.

Other brands, such as Dr Brown’s bottles, are also dishwasher safe. Any small parts from all the bottles should be placed on the top rack only. You cannot sanitize beer bottles in the dishwasher.

One of the dangers of not washing baby bottles is the milk traces being left in the bottle. This may cause infections in bottle-fed babies.

#2 Cleaning baby bottles by hand

The baby bottles can also be cleaned by hand. Put water in a bowl and add soap. Dismantle the baby bottle and clean every piece meticulously with a brush.

Ensure that all the traces of milk have been removed and every fold in the bottle scrubbed. Rinse the baby bottles in clean water before sterilizing them in your most preferred method.

How to Sterilize Baby Bottles in Boiling Water

Both glass and plastic bottles, such as Avent bottles, can be sterilized in boiling water.

Before boiling the bottles, wash them in clean water and soap and rinse. Boiling kills all the bacteria that may be in the bottle. Breast milk is very high in nutrients and therefore goes bad very fast.

Once the bottles have been cleaned, submerge them in a large pot and put them on the fire. Cover and let the water bubble to a boil. Keep them boiling for at least 5 minutes before turning off the fire.

Over-boiling baby bottles, especially plastic, may cause harmful chemicals to be released from the plastic.

Drain the water and air dry them, do not wipe with a cloth. If you use tongs to remove them, make sure that they are also sterilized.  


How to Sterilize Baby Bottles in Microwave

If you’re looking for how to sterilize the baby’s bottles in an easy and hassle-free method, using the microwave is your answer.

To microwave the bottles, first, clean the wipe microwave and rid it of all dirt and germs. Dismantle and clean the water bottles and rinse them in clean water. Put the bottles in a large bowl and fill them halfway with water.

Put the bowl of baby bottles in the microwave and set it for two minutes. Once they run, remove the bowl, drain the water, and air dry the bottles.

The bowl might be very hot. Remember to use sterilized mittens or a clean cloth to remove them.

How to Sterilize Baby Bottles with Electric Steam

The electric baby bottle sterilizer is an expensive but worthy investment. Though it’s pricier than other methods, it’s the quickest and the most efficient way to sterilize baby bottles.

Just like the microwave, the electric steam baby bottle machine kills bacteria with very high temperatures from steam.

To use a steam sterilizer, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Different brands may come with different instructions, depending on the make and model. An example of an electric steam sterilizer is the Minbie bottle sterilizer. 

The electric steam sterilizers give you options to either sterilize and dry or just do one. This gives you a lot of air-drying time as well. 

Use the electric steam sterilizer to disinfect bottles, nipples, pacifiers, and teething toys when the baby is older.  

How does a baby Sterilizer work?

Baby steam sterilizers are efficient and chemical-free. Once they are plugged into the socket, the water heats up fast, and the heat from the steam kills the bacteria.

The whole sterilizing process takes about 15 minutes. The steam sterilizer stays sterile for up to 24 hours as long as the lid is not opened.

How to Sterilize Baby Bottles Using Sterilizing Tablets

If hot water and all the associated equipment are not available, and you cannot do steam sterilization at home, the cold water sterilizer method is a good alternative.  

Coldwater sterilizers are chlorine-based and fit for ingestion. To use this method, dissolve a tablet or the measurement indicated into a clean bucket or bowl. Once the sterilizing agent has mixed with the water, put the baby’s bottles and other feeding equipment.

For proper usage and quantities, carefully follow the instructions on the packaging.

How to Sterilize Baby Bottles with Bleach

Searching for how to sterilize the baby’s bottles with simple household products? Use bleach. Bleach is an effective sterilizer of baby bottles and is safe to use in the absence of steaming gadgets or tablets.

When using bleach to sterilize baby bottles, do not use colored or scented bleach. Ix 16 cups of water with one teaspoon of bleach.

Soak the clean baby bottles in this solution for at most 5 minutes. Drain the water completely and air-dry the baby’s bottles.

When to Stop Sterilizing Baby Bottles

Baby bottles should be sterilized until the baby is at least 12 months old. Younger babies are still building their immunity, and utmost care should be taken.

By the time they are one year old, they are more sturdy and can easily fight off mild infections.

Final Words

 The best answer on how to sterilize baby bottles is to choose the method that works for you in your unique situation.

What is easy for one mom may be a huge headache for another. The bottom line is that all bottle-fed babies are taken care of with the highest hygiene standards possible.

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