8 Pregnancy Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

by Beatrice W, RD
Published: Last Updated on
9 Pregnancy Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

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The changes that happen in pregnancy can leave you feeling like you’re a foreigner in your own body. A lot happens in a woman’s body when she’s pregnant. Nevertheless, you need to know the pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore. 

Most body changes in the body are caused by hormones and the growing baby. As the baby increases in size, you may experience a number of discomforts and inconveniences.

Feeling different and little aches here and there should be expected. Sometimes it’s your enlarged nose. Other times it’s the stubborn acne or hyperpigmentation. However, you should consult your doctor if you notice these pregnancy red flags.  This article shares the 8 pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore. Let’s get started.

8 Pregnancy Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

There are many myths and truths surrounding pregnancy. Your motherly instincts are rarely wrong, only you can tell what’s happening with your body and pregnancy. If your instincts tell you that there is something wrong, it’s best to get it checked. Here are the danger signs of pregnancy.

#1 Vaginal bleeding

Slight spotting is expected once in a while in pregnancy, especially after vigorous sex. However, if the spotting graduates to full-blown bleeding in a way that you need a pad, that’s a danger sign.

Bleeding mostly signifies damage in the uterus, cervix, or the beginning of a miscarriage. Get to the ER as fast as possible if you notice any vaginal bleeding. This is one of the more severe pregnancy symptoms that you should not ignore. 

Do not make light any bleeding, especially if it’s accompanied by abdominal pain and cramping.

#2 Abdominal pain

With a tummy that looks like it’ll burst if poked with a needle, slight pain and discomfort are to be expected. Sometimes, you may stretch a ligament leading to slight pain. Indigestion and food poisoning may also cause pain in your middle and upper abdomen.  

However, intense pain in the abdomen should be handled with utmost seriousness and it is one of the most critical pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore. It may be indicative of serious conditions such as preeclampsia.

The pain may or may not be accompanied by bleeding. If you have to stop what you’re doing, and clutch your tummy in pain, see a doctor immediately.

Pain and contractions before your due dates may also be symptomatic of premature labor. You’ll need to see a doctor and take bed rest.

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#3 Reduced fetal movements

The baby’s movements can be felt from the 16th week. Once the baby starts kicking, the movements intensify as the baby develops and gets bigger.

Sometimes, the baby’s movement may be less intense, especially when you’re hungry or when he’s sleeping. When these conditions are removed, the kicking should get back to being intense and frequent, depending on the gestation stage.

If the movements are significantly reduced, the baby may be in distress – you need to see a doctor immediately. Normally, you should experience 10 movements in two hours. Anything less than that signifies danger and is one of the pregnancy symptoms you shouldn’t ignore.

#4 Blurred vision

Momentary dizziness and black-out, especially after standing up quickly, are normal. You just need to stay still or a couple of seconds, and you get your bearing back.

However, if your vision is blurry and you’re seeing flashing spots, those are signs of preeclampsia.  Preeclampsia is a serious and sometimes fatal pregnancy condition that should not be ignored.

#5 A Stubborn headache

A slight headache may be a sign of dehydration, fatigue, or hunger. It should go away after some food, water, and rest. A splitting headache, on the other hand, is one of the pregnancy symptoms that you should never ignore.

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If the headache is recurring or is accompanied by swelling of the body, it may be a sign of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia typically happens from week 20. Get to the hospital as soon as possible when you get a headache that won’t go away.

Sometimes preeclampsia may happen immediately after birth, and it can be fatal. It would be good for your doctor to know your history to curb such cases.

RELATED ARTICLE: 11 Common Pregnancy Problems and Solutions

#6 Body swelling

Swelling of the hands and lower feet is a common occurrence, particularly in late pregnancy. The swelling is caused by increased blood volume and fluid buildup in the tissues.

Excessive swelling on the face and the feet, however, is one of the pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore. That may be a telltale sign of hypertension, and it may lead to preeclampsia.

Check for puffy eyes and swollen fingers. If your finger rings are suddenly much tighter than before and your face looks like you had a duel with a swarm of bees, talk to your doctor.

#7 Swollen, warm, feet and painful calves

Are your legs swollen and warm? Are the calves or one leg calf painful to the touch and tender?

You may be experiencing deep vein thrombosis. DVT is a serious condition that needs to be attended to immediately.

DVT is when there’s a clot in your deep veins under the skin. DVT occurs more commonly on the left leg than the right, and it may be accompanied by lower belly pain.

#8 A surge of vaginal discharge

Observing pregnancy discharge is one of the best ways to catch pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore.

Vaginal discharge is normal, and it may change in color from what you were used to pre-pregnancy.

However, if you experience a gush of discharge significantly more than usual, it’s likely that you’re in labor. If your due date is nowhere near, notify your doctor as that is indicative of preterm labor.

The green discharge could signify infections like chlamydia. The pink looking discharge could mean there’s blood in the discharge.

Red discharge with clots may be indicative of a miscarriage. Contact your doctor immediately if this happens.


  • What are the early signs of unhealthy pregnancy?

Some of the pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore include bleeding, abdominal pain, blurred vision, reduced fetal movements, and a headache that doesn’t go away.

  • How do you know if you will have a bad pregnancy?

Some of the potential symptoms that indicate an unhealthy pregnancy include vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pains, a stubborn headache, and too much swelling. Ensure to visit your doctor in case of any symptoms.

  • How do I know my unborn baby is OK?

The best way to know if your unborn baby is OK is to go for regular antenatal care so that your healthcare provider can track the baby’s development.

  • What are the signs of a good pregnancy?

The best signs of a healthy pregnancy are gaining healthy weight, absence of abdominal pains, and adequate fetus movement.

  • When does your stomach start to get hard when you are pregnant?

Your stomach gets hard when you are pregnant at week 7 or 8 due to excessive stretching of your abdominal muscles to give space for the growing baby.


It’s normal to feel a little concerned about the ‘funny’ feelings in pregnancy. Whether it’s your first pregnancy or not, you’ll most likely feel something you haven’t experienced before.

These pregnancy symptoms that you should not ignore are meant to keep you informed. When you have talked to your doctor, heed the directions and take the recommendations suggested.

Do not let fear deny you the little joys of pregnancy in your journey.

Pregnancy Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

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