Do Pregnancy Pillows Really Help? 9 Surprising Benefits of Pregnancy Pillow

by Beatrice W, RD
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Pregnancy pillows are the magic wands in an incredible albeit pretty uncomfortable stage of life. Each pregnancy stage comes with its discomforts, and although some can be quite serious, they all are manageable. In the later stages, when the belly has significantly grown, one of the worst discomforts is the sitting and lying position. You get to that stage when every position seems awkward, and you wish there was just one thing you could do or have to make it all better. Check out these benefits of pregnancy pillow and see why it’s a necessary addition to your maternity shopping.

benefits of pregnancy pillow

Sleeping during pregnancy is uncomfortable and short – every position feels like you’re sleeping on gravel. It doesn’t help that there are recommended sleeping positions to keep the baby safe which leave you with little to choose from. If you’re already struggling with sleep problems such as insomnia, this can only make the sleeping time nothing to look forward to.

A good night’s sleep can solve many pregnancy problems – and frankly, many life problems. You’re already a dollop of emotions; this only gets worse if you don’t sleep well. Irritability, fatigue, and even headaches can result from a lack of proper sleep. That’s why a maternity pillow is a must-have in your bed.

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What is a Pregnancy Pillow?

A maternity pillow is a specially designed pillow that’s meant to be used by a pregnant woman. The pillow is designed to support the belly as well as the curves that have been accentuated by pregnancy. The best maternity pillow will be the pillow that supports the areas you want to support most. Take note of the aches and pains you experience and choose a maternity pillow that will take care of those discomforts.

There are different types of maternity pillows to choose from. The pillow you choose will depend on your favorite sleeping position and your desired comfort; although as the pregnancy progresses, you might not have much choice with the sleeping positions.

#1 C-shaped Pregnancy Pillow

As the name suggests, this pillow is shaped like the letter C. With this pillow, you sleep with the open side on your stomach while the closed side is on your back. If you sleep more on the side, the C-shaped pillow is the most appropriate for you.

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#2 U-shaped Pillows

The U-shaped pregnancy pillow allows you to rest your head on it like a typical pillow while the rest of the pillow supports the rest of your body. To sleep on it, invert the U and rest your head on the closed side while your body lies between the two sides of the pillow.

If you sleep mostly on your back, the U-shaped pillow is the best.

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#3 The Straight Pregnancy Pillows

The straight maternity pillows are standard even among people who are not pregnant. For the straight pillow, you can only use it for cuddling and supporting the stomach as it does not have any back support. You can also support your stomach by wrapping your legs around the pillow for comfort and support.

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#4 The Maternity Cushion

This pillow can be used as a standard pillow for people with reflux and is the smallest of the maternity pillows. The benefits of this pregnancy pillow are that it can be used during pregnancy as well as after. You place it under the tummy or on the back to provide support and relief from pain or discomfort.

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When to Start Using a Pregnancy Pillow

From the second trimester, however, doctors advise not to sleep on your back. Sleeping on your back leaves the baby and all the weight resting on your back and the vena cava, the vein that transports blood back to your heart from your lower body. If you have been wondering, do I need a maternity pillow? This is an excellent reason to get one.

You can start using a pregnancy pillow as early as you’d like – they are cozy even if you’re not pregnant. The best time to use them, though, is when the stomach has started becoming big enough to give you sleepless nights.

You can use a maternity pillow from the moment you start showing to help you sleep well and stay healthy. If you have trouble turning in your sleep or every turn is accompanied by pain and groaning, it’s time to go shopping for a suitable pregnancy pillow.

From around the time the pregnancy is about 20 weeks, you should get a maternity pillow to help you with sleeping. If your pregnancy gets bigger earlier, there’s no harm in getting the pillow earlier. The benefits of a pregnancy pillow should be enjoyed from early pregnancy.

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How to Choose the Best Pregnancy Pillow

Just like standard pillows, maternity pillows are either made with cotton or polyester covers. Cotton is softer and cozier on the skin, but it’s also more expensive. A polyester cover will not be as comfortable as a cotton cover, but it won’t leave a dent in your most probably already stretched baby budget.

The pillow filling is also something to consider before taking the pregnancy pillow home. The softest and best material for a maternity pillow is polyester. It flattens pretty fast, though, get some that are fully stuffed as it’ll take time before it flattens. It also tends to capture dust and may not work for someone with dust allergies.

Some pillows also have Styrofoam filling, which is light and portable. It also doesn’t trap dust like polyester fiber. You can also get a cushion filled with memory foam or microbeads. Organic fillings such as wool, cotton, and bamboo are also used in pillows. These are excellent for people with dust allergies.

How Do You Clean a Pregnancy Pillow?

Because they are humongous, cleaning maternity pillows can be a tricky affair. To combat this problem, get a maternity pillow with a removable cover. Most pillows will have a zip that you can open to remove the inside fiber for cleaning and you put it back.

If your pillow doesn’t have an opening, you can make a tiny tear and remove the fiber. Air the fiber as the covers are getting cleaned. Once the covers have dried, out the fiber back and seal the small hole, you could also modify and put a zip for easier subsequent cleaning.

8 Benefits of Pregnancy Pillow

If you’re not a first-time mom and you’ve previously had a bad experience with sleep and muscle aches in pregnancy, try having a pregnancy and see the difference it makes. Read on to find out why you need a maternity pillow in your pregnancy and maternity shopping.

#1 Proper Body Support and Comfort

Pregnancy is uncomfortable on many levels, and the discomforts associated with sleep can make you perpetually tired and cranky. One of the benefits of a pregnancy pillow is that it’s a perfect sleeping partner.

The pillow gives your body the support it needs to take the weight off. When you sleep and place the pillow under your stomach, it helps you carry the baby, albeit in a small way. This comfort is a massive boost in your pregnancy journey and quality of sleep.

#2 Bye-bye Back Pain

Back pain in pregnancy is a common complaint, and it can make sleeping a very strenuous activity. As the baby grows, your body undergoes a myriad of changes, and the softening and stretching of muscles and ligaments are one of the few.

This softening puts a strain on your back and the pelvic floor, which can lead to back pain. Sleeping with a painful back is next to impossible, and that’s why a maternity pillow is a vital part of your pregnancy accessories.

#3 Hello, Sleep

Pregnancy is synonymous with lacking a sleeping position that works. If you’re tired of tossing and turning, get a maternity pillow. A maternity pillow is a beautiful sleep accessory and one of the steps to curing insomnia.

Apart from giving you something to cuddle and support your belly, the maternity pillow also supports your back and makes it easier to sleep. While a pillow might not cure all your sleep problems, it helps to be adequately propped and comfy when the sleep finally kicks in.

#3 Blood Circulation Boost

As the pregnancy progresses, it starts to push organs aside, and the baby may lie on some crucial organs and blood vessels. Most doctors recommend that you sleep on your left side to prevent the baby from pressing on these organs and major blood vessels. Improper blood circulation may lead to headaches and fatigue.

Any pregnant mama will tell you how uncomfortable it is to sleep on one side for long periods. When you sleep on a pregnancy pillow, it takes the pressure away from these organs, aiding proper blood circulation. It also makes it easier to sleep on the recommended side for a long without getting aches.

Prenatal Nutrition Library

#4 No more Leg and Hip Pain

Pregnancy puts a lot of pressure on the pelvic region, which may lead to hip pain. Leg cramps are also a common problem in pregnancy, affecting the quality of sleep for many pregnant mothers.

Putting a wedge pillow between your legs and your hip alleviates the pain, making you sleep better.

Related Article: Common Pregnancy Problems and Solutions

#5 They Give Better Sleep Quality

Who wants a night of intermittent sleep interrupted by pains and cramps every time you turn? Not a pregnant woman who’s already tired and overflowing with hormones. Get the right maternity pillow for the quality sleep that you desperately need.

When you already have to wake up enough times for a bathroom break, you need to get back to sleep as soon as you’re in bed. Having a soft cuddly sleeping mate will guarantee you better sleep, which will leave you rested enough to take over the world.

#6 Relief for Heartburn and Reflex

More than half of pregnant mothers suffer from heartburn. As the pregnancy progresses, the stomach gets compressed, and there’s little space left for food and digestion, which leads to heartburn.

Sleeping on a maternity pillow elevates your upper body, thus keeping the stomach acid down and abetting heartburn. The pillow can also be used pre-pregnancy and post-pregnancy for people with reflexes to get relief.

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#7 As a Breastfeeding Pillow

The usefulness of the maternity pillow doesn’t fade away after you’ve given birth. The benefits of a pregnancy pillow extend beyond pregnancy. A new mom can use it as a breastfeeding pillow as well as a support for the back. The pillow forms a perfect barrier to keep the baby from falling on raised surfaces that don’t have a border of their own.

Having a proper posture for the baby when breastfeeding is paramount for proper latching and prevention of colic and cracked nipples. Having an item that outlives one stage of pregnancy saves you money as you don’t have to buy a nursing pillow after delivery.

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#8 Your Trusted Travel Companion

Traveling while pregnant and having to sleep in strange beds can be unnerving since you don’t know the quality of the beds and pillows that you’ll find. One of the benefits of the pregnancy pillow is that it’s portable and easy to fit in a travel bag for the night out of your house.

Get rid of your travel anxieties by having this trusted travel companion.


  • When should you start using your pregnancy pillow?

You can start using a pregnancy pillow anytime during pregnancy. But most women start using it at week 20 when you start finding it difficult to get sleep positions.

  • Do pregnancy pillows really help?

Yes. Pregnancy pillows support your body and help you sleep better during pregnancy. they also give comfort and reduce body aches during pregnancy.

  • Which is better U shaped or a C-shaped pregnancy pillow?

Both U-shaped and C-shaped pregnancy pillows help you sleep better during pregnancy. However, the C-shaped pillow may offer more comfort when lying on your side.

  • Why put a pillow between your legs when pregnant?

Putting a pillow between your legs when pregnant helps you to sleep more comfortably and relieves stress from your back.

  • What to look for when buying a pregnancy pillow?

Choose a pregnancy pillow that offers the best support, and has a washable cover and shape that accommodates your sleeping positions.


The benefits of a pregnancy pillow cannot just be mentioned; they need to be experienced. If you have been having sleepless nights or sleeping and waking up with unexplained pains and aches in your body, you should consider getting a maternity pillow.

The pregnancy pillow can come in the colors you desire if you care for color and designs. What’s better, you can get covers for the pillow to match your house or the nursery. If you have been looking for a unique gift to give a pregnant mama, this is a timeless choice that goes beyond pregnancy. Once you have tasted the goodness of the pillow, spread the love.

Prenatal Nutrition Library

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