5 Creative Ways to Create Memories with Your Kids (For Free)

by Beatrice W, RD
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Create memories with your kids

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It’s been said that the best thing about memories is creating them. That is true, particularly when it comes to your children. Since childhood amnesia is likely to happen anyway and keeping these memories frozen in time is a great way to remind your kids just how awesome childhood was. In this article, you will learn five creative ways to create memories with your kids.

Why is making memories with your kids important? The good thing about kids is; they grow very fast. The bad thing about kids is; they grow very fast. When they are young and turning the house upside down and giving you endless migraines, you might feel like you’re ready to sell them to the lowest bidder. In no time, they are packing their bags and waving you goodbye from the boarding gates on their way to college.  That’s why it’s essential to enjoy the present with all its joys and sadness.

How Do You Create Memories With Your Kids?

Most adults can recall events that happened when they were as young as three years. Happy children give way to happy, well-adjusted adults. Fill their adulthood with awesome stories and memories by incorporating these activities into their childhood.

#1 Make a quilt with their clothes

Once the kids outgrow their clothes, the tendency is to throw them away or give them away. Some of these clothes are such beloved pieces that the kids have a hard time letting them go. It can be a favorite dress, sock, or onesie.

Instead of creating a hurricane as you tear your child from their treasured piece, how about involving them in the making of a quilt with it? The clothes that are torn can be cut into interesting shapes for the quilt.

The quilt can be an ongoing project where each child adds a piece of cloth they like every year or month. This is a creative way to save memories that will have the child’s participation as well.

#2 Making ornaments

Many childhood things lose their usefulness when the baby grows. Instead of throwing them away, make ornaments that will last and remind them of their childhood. Making ornaments is one of the fun and creative ways to create memories with your kids.

The hospital tags, the first tiny hat or sock, or even their first baby tooth – anything you may have kept from their infancy. Use material that will not wear out, seal them, and have a way for them to wear them.

#3 Make hand and footprints or moulds

Making hand or foot imprints is one of the best ways to create memories with your kids. How heartwarming it’ll be for your kid to see the imprints of their tiny palms or feet when they are older. Make an imprint every year on their birthday to trace their growth.

You can make these at home with salt and flour dough. Mix, press the baby’s hands onto the dough, and then bake it until it’s well done. Let it cool and then paint it the colors you desire.

If you don’t want to bake, use salt, cornflour, and food color. Mix the water, salt, and corn starch and coloring to make the dough. Once it’s made, press the baby’s hands or feet into the day to make the imprints, then let them dry.

Clay molds are also a fun way to create memories with your kids. Use a non-sulfur clay or clay polymer to make the molds. Alternatively, have a professional make the molds for you and the kids and then save them as a reminder of childhood fun.

The molds can be sued as home décor or holders for various things such as keys, candles, or small electronics. The prints can also be made into jewellery, such as pendants or rings. This makes them timeless and priceless.

Make sure the molds and imprints are dated and labelled with the child’s names. This is among the unique creative ways to preserve memories for your kids.

#4 First day of school photo

Many parents already take their child’s first day of school photos as a creative way to save memories. Go a step further and get the child a shirt with their year of graduation printed on it. At the beginning of every school year, take a photo of the child in the T-shirt and watch as they grow into it.

You can make a softcopy collage or print them out and stick them on a handmade album. The children will have lots of fun seeing their transition from childhood to when they fit into the tee.

#5 Create a family tradition

Few things bring joy and togetherness in the family than a family tradition that the kids love. Come up with a family tradition that gets everyone involved. It doesn’t have to make sense to other people; it’s your family’s idiosyncrasies.

Make sure that nothing spoils the tradition. The kids will not need encouragement to carry it to their adulthood.

How Do You Preserve Memories for Your Kids?

What’s the point to create memories with your kids if you’ll not save them for the future? Check out these creative ways to preserve memories for your kids.

#1 Preserve their art in their storybook

Most kids’ time is spent making art that starts from asymmetrical shapes and disfigured animals to more intelligible pictures. You may not understand why your kid drew you with a neck longer than your arms. Nevertheless, their art is beautiful and should be saved for a day when you all have a good laugh about it.

A storybook is one of the creative ways to preserve memories for your kids, preserve your kid’s art in their own storybook. You can buy hardcover books for art and let the child create their own story as they progress. You can even make your own bedtime storybook from their favorite characters, however lopsided they have been drawn. 

Another creative way to save their artwork is by laminating it. These can then be put in a file or folder and used as decoration on the kids’ important dates.

#2 Kids do say the dandiest things – record them

Has your child ever said something so cool or so bizarre that you think there’s a little grownup trapped in them? If your little Miss smarty-pants keep saying strange or clever things, write them down and put them in a jar.

These will form a good pass time when you’re sitting around the fireplace on their 18th birthday. The kids can also paste these ‘quotes’ into a book and make their own kids’ motivational book.

Have a camera always on the ready to record exciting things in your child’s life. Record every milestone and save it to the cloud to keep it from getting lost. Even the unrehearsed moments are incredible for memories – having them on record is a creative way to preserve memories for your kids.

#3 Start blogging or vlogging

Blogging is like journaling but for a wider audience. Write down your motherhood moments in your blog and save it or your child when they are older. If you don’t want to make it public, have a private platform where you just record the daily events in your child’s life.

Start a vlog and make videos of your daily life with your child from the time they are infants. Making videos is the best way to record memories. Videos on your phone might get lost if your phone gets spoilt or stolen if you had not stored them in the cloud.

A vlog is one of the modern creative ways to create memories with your kids. If you don’t want them to be public, you can create a private Youtube video that only you and your family have access to.

Putting the vlogs on a private Instagram account also keeps them safe from any kind of loss. The videos don’t have to be long. A couple of minutes are enough to capture precious moments and save them forever.

#4 Go for a professional photo shoot

Photos are not just photos; a professional photoshoot gives you high-resolution images in various creative shots that are absolutely beautiful and are an excellent way to save childhood memories.

Taking photos and selfies on your phone is a good thing. However, once in a while, employ the services of a professional photographer to take your family photos. This can be on every family member’s birthday or during anniversaries. It creates beautiful family memories for everyone. Make sure that you have framed it as a creative way to preserve memories for your kids.

Final Words

The key thing to remember is to have fun and make sweet memories. Many things that money can buy soon get old, and then we want newer, better things. Something better will always be coming after our best buys.

Memories, on the other hand, are priceless and timeless. This is because the only way we can make them is by experiencing them. Pick a few of these creative ways to create memories with your kids, preserve them for longevity and have fun while at it.

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