Why am I not Getting Pregnant? 6 Expert Tips to Get Pregnant Fast Naturally

by Beatrice W, RD
Published: Last Updated on
how to get pregnant fast

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‘Trying for a baby’ is usually not as fun as you may imagine it to be. It is frequently marked by anxious days and frustrating months as the now-hated period keeps coming back. If you’re searching for how to get pregnant fast, these tips will help get the bun in the oven sooner.

For many women, getting pregnant is a touch-and-go affair. Often, some bodies need a boost and motivation to get the baby baking happening.

All bodies are different, what worked for your friend may not work for you. The biology and physiology are the same, though, what has worked for most women will most likely work for you. The secret is to find the one tip that works for your body and pursue it diligently.  

Many factors may delay pregnancy. You need to have a deep understanding of your body and any underlying factors you may be suffering from. Making a baby also takes two; involve your partner in the process to make the journey smooth and fun. this article shares expert tips to help you get pregnant fast naturally.

6 Tips For Getting Pregnant Faster        

1. Get Off Birth Control Sooner

This may seem like common sense, really, but some birth control methods might take time to wear off after you have stopped. If you’re thinking, ‘I need to get pregnant this month,’ it will do you good to stop the contraception earlier.

Some contraception, such as the daily pill, enables you to get pregnant as soon as you stop. Others, such as the injection and implants, may take time to wear off. You may also get pregnant immediately after the removal of the non-hormonal intrauterine device.

2. Study Your Cycle

This is one of the old tricks to getting pregnant. If you’re planning on one of your eggs getting lucky, you need to study your cycle like you’re taking a bar exam. Keep a chart for when you’re most fertile.

Ovulation happens around 14 days after the first day of your period. Focus the baby making on the days just before you start ovulating. Your fertility peaks two days before ovulation and on the days you’re ovulating.

Your cycle plays a huge role in increasing your chances of getting pregnant. The cervical mucus is the most obvious when you need to know if you’re ovulating. During ovulation, you get more discharge. It’s also clearer and slimy.

The body temperatures also tend to increase during ovulation. Check your temperatures and take note when they’re higher. The period when you’re ovulating is the prime time to have sex.

Make use of ovulation apps and other kits that can help you know when your body is prime time for conception.

3. Get Checked For Any Underlying Issues

Have you been trying to get pregnant for 9 months without success? You need to talk to your gynecologists to rule out any underlying issues.

Sometimes, your body cannot conceive unaided due to a few medical factors. There may also be a lifestyle change you need to make. Getting a pre-pregnant check-up will give you the true state of your body to help you take the necessary steps to get pregnant faster.

Some factors that may be preventing you from conceiving can be sorted out with a simple medical procedure.

HealthLabs offers fast, private, and affordable fertility lab testing. Check out more details here.

4. Don’t Be Anxious About Getting Pregnant

It’s true, no one ever stayed calm by being told to stay calm. But if you’re trying to hasten the baby-making, you should stay calm.

Stress and conception are not good bedfellows. Stressing about conceiving makes conceiving harder. The enzyme alpha-amylase is stress-induced and is more common in women who have low fertility.

Chasing the elusive blue ticks on the pee stick can be stress-inducing. However, deliberately keeping a positive attitude can make the journey easier and is one of the natural ways to boost fertility.

Related Post: 12 Do’s And Don’ts When Trying To Conceive

5. Have Regular Sex, Not Daily Sex

The answer to how to get pregnant quickly and naturally within 2 months is not in having lots of sex. On the contrary, if you’re wondering how to get pregnant fast, you may need to go easy on getting your freak on.

To increase your chances of conception, plan to have sex at most three times a week. Too much sex will decrease your partner’s sperm count and make conception harder to achieve.

After sex, do not be in a hurry. Give the little swimmers time to get to the lucky egg before gravity starts working. Do not take hot showers or a dip in the Jacuzzi; avoiding raising your body temperature keeps the sperm alive and healthy.

Related Article: 10 Easy DIY Pregnancy Tests You Can Do at Home (Can the Results be Trusted?)

6. Shed Some Weight

If you’re overweight according to your BMI, shedding some weight might hasten your conceiving. Being overweight affects your hormonal balance, which may cause your ovulation timetable to go haywire.  

Being overweight also increases your chances of miscarriage in the early weeks of pregnancy.

Losing some weight increases your chances of ovulation, making conception easier. As a bonus, shedding the weight will make your post-baby weight loss easier.

Related Article: 12 Do’s And Don’ts When Trying To Conceive

How To Increase Fertility After 35

The best advice for preparing to get pregnant is to do it before you’re 35. After 35, your chances of conceiving drastically reduce. However, you can still conceive naturally at any age if you adopt the following proven tips to get pregnant.

1. Adopt Healthy Habits

The dust may be gathering on your New Year’s resolutions list, this is the best time to dust it. One of the best advice for preparing to get pregnant is to kick bad habits such as smoking and alcohol to the curb.

Smoking messes up the estrogen levels in your body and makes conception difficult. These might need to go until the baby stops breastfeeding.

Embrace an all-round healthy lifestyle that keeps your body and mind free from pollutants.

Adopt healthy eating and regular exercise. Clear your head of all worry and stress by doing yoga, praying, reading a good book, or getting involved in your favorite healthy activity.

2. Begin Your Pregnancy Supplements In Advance

This is one of the most recommended tips for quick conception.  To prepare your body for conception, start taking your supplements and vitamins to boost fertility.

A healthy body makes it easier for ovulation and conception to occur. Taking supplements before pregnancy will also prevent early weeks’ miscarriage that may be caused by birth defects.

The supplements you should take before pregnancy include iron, calcium, and folic acid.

Related post: 8 Reasons Why You Should Take Folic Acid in Pregnancy

Natural Remedies To Get Pregnant Fast

Sometimes, the answer to how to get pregnant fast lies in natural remedies that are easy and simple.

What Should I Eat To Get Pregnant Fast?

Some foods can increase your fertility and help you conceive faster.

1. Oysters

Oysters are not only good for getting you in the mood for sex. They are also laden with Zinc, which increases the quality of the eggs. Healthy eggs make conception possible and ensure that the fertilized egg matures well.

2. Green Leafy Vegetables

Spinach, kale, leaf lettuce, and other green leafy vegetables should not be missing from your plate if you’re searching for how to get pregnant fast.

These green vegetables have a high content of folate and vitamins C and K. they also contain the B vitamins, which increase libido and improve ovulation.

3. Yams

This wonder root is laden with phytoestrogens and progesterone-like components crucial in regulating the hormone balance. Hormonal imbalance prevents ovulation, which inhibits conception.

3. Maca Root

Maca root is an aphrodisiac that can also increase fertility in men. It’s an immune booster and is full of vital nutrients, iron, and iodine. Maca root is one of the age-old remedies to increase fertility.

4. Figs

The Greeks were not wrong about the benefits of figs in increasing fertility. Figs have a high iron content that is essential for ovulation and the manufacture of a mature ovum.

A good helping of figs will hasten your journey to becoming a new mommy.

5. Salmon

Salmon is good for both you and your partner. It contains high levels of omega-3 that promote fertility in men. Omega-3 increases the viability and functionality of the sperm cells.

It also increases libido, which is excellent for couples wondering how to get pregnant faster. Increased libido is one of the proven tips to get pregnant fast, primarily when utilized during ovulation.

How To Get Pregnant With Irregular Periods

Irregular periods, in most cases, signify a hormonal imbalance. Knowing when ovulation will happen may be difficult when your periods are irregular.

Irregular periods can also be caused by over-exercising and abnormal body weight. Talk to your doctor to determine the cause of your irregular periods. If it is weight-related, reduce the exercises or exercise more depending on what the scales indicate.

If your periods are irregular, study your body and know the signs of ovulation.

Take Foods That Help Increase Sperm Count

If your partner’s sperm count is less than 39 million per ejaculation, that is considered low sperm count. The little swimmers have a long way to swim, and most die before they reach the egg. To raise your chances of conception, you should consume foods that enhance your sperm count.

Fertility foods for men should contain high levels of Zinc, B vitamins, and Vitamin C. The Zinc is found in Oysters and pumpkin seeds. Be sure to consume foods that increase sperm quality, such as sardines and salmon.

Fruits such as oranges are high in vitamin C which increases the sperm count and reduces their motility rate. Dark green vegetables are vital for the production of healthy sperm.

Both of you should also cut down on alcohol and quit smoking. The man may also need to give up his daily dose of caffeine as it compromises the health of the sperm, as it’s known to cause miscarriage.

Dairy milk contains estrogen that may compromise the quality of sperm. Fried foods may also lower the health of sperm and should be avoided.

Exercise Together

Getting both of you in shape is a prerequisite to getting pregnant faster. Exercise together and help each other relax by having massages and yoga.

how to get pregnant fast


  • How long should you keep sperm inside to get pregnant?

Many women try to stay still or lift their legs after sex to help the sperm arrive at their destination faster. These are good exercises, and although they may not play a huge role, there’s no harm in trying.

Sperm can live in the body for up to 7 days. The egg stays alive for between 12 and 24 hours after it has been released from the ovaries.

Fertilization occurs within this window. This is why you need to have sex in the days before ovulation and during ovulation.

  • Why can’t my wife get pregnant?

Sometimes, the woman has ticked every box, and she seems fine, yet the test returns negative every month. Remember, it takes two to make a baby, the man should also be actively involved in following the tips to conceive quickly.

The best time of day to get pregnant is between 5:00 AM and 7:30 AM. Semen produced at this time seemed to have more sperm than at any other time during the day.

  • How do I know if I am fertile enough to get pregnant?

The best way to know if you are fertile enough to get pregnant is to track your cycle. You have a high chance of getting pregnant when you are ovulating which occurs about 14 days before your next period.

  • How can I get pregnant on my first try?

To increase your chance of getting pregnant on your first try, consider taking a folic acid supplement three months before planning to conceive, be in a healthy weight, and have sex during ovulation.

  • What is the fastest way to get pregnant?

To get pregnant fast you need to have regular sex around the time of ovulation. Ensure that you are in a healthy state, and avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and strenuous activity.


If you can’t seem to conceive as fast as you’d desire, do not be too worried about it. At one point, many women have searched for ‘how to get pregnant fast’ and found different answers.

You may have tried all the possible natural remedies but still haven’t conceived. You need to know when to go in for further extensive tests. Some conditions, such as endometriosis and fibroids, could be making it hard for you to conceive.

Your Obstetrician and Gynaecologist will recommend drugs or procedures to help you deal with the conditions and conceive faster.

Your womanhood should not be pegged on how fast you can get pregnant. Relax and enjoy the journey to amazing motherhood, even if your body takes a little nudge to get pregnant.

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